Artwork by Thomas Elanore
PAST DIRECTIVE (2022-2024)
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CO-DIRECTORSThe Direction of the Global Posthuman Network is envisioned as a pluralistic and collaborative experience. The New Directive is formed by a variety of related positions, manifested and filled in organic ways. The Team works Together as "Co-Directors":
Co-Director of Ethics and Praxes: Debashish Banerji
Co-Directors of Global Content: Francesca Ferrando, Anand Jayprakash Vaidya Co-Director of Digital Content: Mafe Izaguirre Co-Directors of Publications: Çağdaş Dedeoğlu, Stefano Rozzoni Co-Directors of Educational Projects: Kevin Lagrandeur, Sümeyra Buran Co-Directors of Global Relations: Yunus Tuncel, Yasin Yesilyurt |
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FRANCESCA FERRANDO, PH.D. IN PHILOSOPHY, M.A. IN GENDER STUDIESFrancesca Ferrando (pronouns: they/them) teaches Philosophy at NYU-Liberal Studies, New York University. A leading voice in the field of Posthuman Studies, they have been the recipient of numerous honors and recognitions, including the Sainati prize with the Acknowledgment of the President of Italy. Their latest book is Philosophical Posthumanism (Bloomsbury 2019); their work has been translated into Chinese, Italian, Hungarian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Turkish and Urdu. Dr. Ferrando has delivered more than 100 keynotes in acclaimed institutions worldwide, including: the Asia-Pacific Consortium of Researchers and Educators, the European Union and Harvard University, among others. In the history of TED talks, they were the first speaker to give a talk on the topic of the posthuman. US magazine "Origins" named them among the 100 people making change in the world.
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ANGELO MARINO, M.A. IN SOFTWARE ENGINEERINGAngelo Marino is an environmental activist, artist and freethinker; a management engineer with expertise in environmental and cybersecurity.
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COMMITTEE OF THE NY posthuman research group
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KEVIN LAGRANDEUR, PH.D. IN ENGLISH AND PHILOSOPHYKevin LaGrandeur, is Professor of English at the New York Institute of Technology (NYIT), and Director of Technical Writing Programs; he is also a Fellow of an international think tank called the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technology (IEET). He began exploring the intersections between digital technology, culture, philosophy, and English studies in the early 1990’s and was an early adopter of digital technology in the English classroom. Dr. LaGrandeur has written many articles and conference presentations on digital culture; Artificial Intelligence and ethics; and literature and science. His publications have appeared in journals such as Computers & Texts, Computers and the Humanities, and Science Fiction Studies; in books such as Eloquent Images: Word and Image in the Age of New Media; and in popular publications such as United Press International (UPI). His most recent book is on the pre-modern cultural history of AI, titled Androids and Intelligent Networks in Early Modern Literature and Culture: Artificial Slaves (Routledge, 2013). His more recent conference presentations and publications have been on transhumanism and the posthuman. He is one of the Founders of the NY Posthuman Research Group and of the Posthuman Global Symposiums.
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Farzad mahootian, PH.D. IN PHILOSOPHY Farzad Mahootian is a Clinical Professor at NYU-Liberal Studies. He is one of the Organizers of the NY Posthuman Research Group and one of the Founders of the Posthuman Global Symposiums.
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Jim McBride, PH.D. IN PHILOSOPHY Jim McBride is a Clinical Professor at NYU-Liberal Studies. He is one of the Organizers of the NY Posthuman Research Group and of the Posthuman Global Symposiums.
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YUNUS TUNCEL, Ph.D. in PhilosophyYunus Tuncel, Ph.D., is a co-founder of the Nietzsche Circle based in New York City and serves on its Board of Directors and the Editorial Board of its electronic journal, The Agonist. His doctoral dissertation on Nietzsche’s philosophy is entitled “The Principle of Agon in Nietzsche’s Thought.” (The New School for Social Research, 2000). Yunus Tuncel has been teaching philosophy at the New School since 1999 and NYU’s Liberal Studies Program since 2001. His primary areas of research are art, culture, myth, sports, and spectacle. He is interested in the fusion of art (all forms of art) and philosophy in various cultural formations. In recent times he has undertaken a project called Philomobile to explore, with interested searchers, the works and lives of philosophers on location within their historical context. He is one of the Founders of the NY Posthuman Research Group, of the Global Posthuman Symposiums, and of the World Posthuman Society.
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STEFAN LORENZ SORGNER, PH.D. IN PHILOSOPHYStefan Lorenz Sorgner is lecturer of medical ethics at the University of Erlangen-Nuernberg. He studied philosophy at King's College/University of London (BA), the University of Durham (MA by thesis; examiners: David E. Cooper, Durham; David Owen, Southampton), the University of Giessen and the University of Jena (Dr. phil.; examiners: Wolfgang Welsch, Jena; Gianni Vattimo, Turin). In recent years, he taught at the Universities of Jena (Germany), Erfurt (Germany) and Klagenfurt (Austria). His main fields of research are Nietzsche, the philosophy of music, bioethics and meta-, post- and transhumanism. He is the Founder of the Posthuman Studies Hub.
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JAIME DEL VAL, ArtistJaime del Val is a transdisciplinary media artist, philosopher, activist, promotor of the Metabody Project, Forum and Institute, and the non profit organisation Reverso, currently based in Madrid and the rural area of Salamanca, Spain. Since 2000 Jaime has developed transdisciplinary projects in the transvergence of arts (dance, performance, architecture, visual and media arts, music), technologies, critical theory and activism. Jaime’s projects propose redefinitions of embodiment, perception and space that challenge contemporary control society as well as normative conceptions of affect, sex, gender, ability or intimacy. Jaime's performance, metaformances and installations have been presented in museums, theaters, festivals, urban and rural areas, refugee camps and numerous unconventional places across Europe, North and South America, Asia and Africa.
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THOMAS STEINBUCH, PH.D. IN PHILOSOPHY Thomas Steinbuch teaches at the Zhejiang University of Science and Technology, P.R. China. He is a Nietzsche scholar who pioneered reading Nietzsche through the lens of epigenetic evolution. He is co-founder of the World Posthuman Society and one of the Editors of the Blog "Posthumans". He lives in Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, P.R. China.
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1st Global Symposium "POSTHUMANISM AND SOCIETY" (2015):
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Rosi BraidottiRosi Braidotti was the Keynote of our first Global Symposium. She is Distinguished University Professor at Utrecht University
and founding Director of the Centre for the Humanities in Utrecht since 2007. Info: |
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2nd Global Symposium "POSTHUMAN FUTURES" (2016):
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natasha vita-moreNatasha Vita-More was the Keynote of our second Global Symposium. She holds a PhD, University of Plymouth, School of Media Arts, Design and Architecture. Her research focuses on the questions humanity is facing today that are impacting our future.
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3rd Global Symposium "POSTHUMAN ETHICS" (2018):
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kevin warwickKevin Warwick was the Keynote of our third Global Symposium. He is Emeritus Professor at Coventry and Reading Universities.
Prior to that he was Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) at Coventry University. Info: |
4th Global Symposium "POSTHUMAN AGENCY" (2020):
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Katherine HaylesKatherine Hayles is the Keynote of our fourth Global Symposium. She is professor and Director of Graduate Studies in the Program in Literature at Duke University. For an extensive biography, see our Advisory Board (below).
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In chronological order of affiliation:
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KATHERINE HAYLES, PH.D. in LiteratureN. Katherine Hayles (Author and Director) teaches and writes on the relations of literature, science and technology in the 20th and 21st centuries. Her print book, How We Think: Digital Media and Contemporary Technogenesis, was published by the University of Chicago Press in spring 2012. Her other books include How We Became Posthuman: Virtual Bodies in Cybernetics, Literature and Informatics, which won the Rene Wellek Prize for the Best Book in Literary Theory for 1998-99, and Writing Machines, which won the Suzanne Langer Award for Outstanding Scholarship. She is Professor and Director of Graduate Studies in the Program in Literature at Duke University, and Distinguished Professor Emerita at the University of California, Los Angeles.
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Dipesh Chakrabarty, PH.D. IN HISTORYDipesh Chakrabarty holds a BSc (physics honors) degree from Presidency College, University of Calcutta, a postgraduate Diploma in management (considered equivalent to MBA) from the Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta, and a PhD (history) from the Australian National University. He is currently the Lawrence A. Kimpton Distinguished Service Professor in History, South Asian Languages and Civilizations, and the College. He is the Faculty Director, University of Chicago Center in Delhi, a faculty fellow of the Chicago Center for Contemporary Theory, an associate of the Department of English, and by courtesy, a faculty member in the Law School. He is a founding member of the editorial collective of Subaltern Studies, a consulting editor of Critical Inquiry, a founding editor of Postcolonial Studies, and has served on the editorial boards of the American Historical Review and Public Culture. He was one of the founding editors, with Sheldon Pollock from Columbia University and Sanjay Subrahmanyam from UCLA, of the series, South Asia Across the Disciplines, published by a consortium of three university presses (Chicago, Columbia, and California).
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CHRISTINE DAIGLE, PH.D. IN PHILOSOPHYChristine Daigle is professor of philosophy and Director of the Posthumanism Research Institute at Brock University. Her current research explores the concept of posthuman vulnerability and its ethical potential from a posthumanist material feminist point of view. She also works on environmental posthumanities and issues related to the Anthropocene.
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pramod k. nayar, Ph.D. in LiteraturePramod K. Nayar teaches at the Department of English, University of Hyderabad, India. His most recent works are Ecoprecarity: Vulnerable Lives in Literature and Culture (2019), Brand Postcolonial: 'Third World' Texts and the Global (2018), Bhopal's Ecological Gothic: Disaster, Precarity and the Biopolitical Uncanny (2017), Human Rights and Literature: Writing Right (2016) and the edited collection, Indian Travel Writing 1830–1947 (2016). His essays have appeared in Modern Fiction Studies, South Asia Review, South Asia, Narrative, Celebrity Studies, Asiatic, Journal of Postcolonial Writing, Prose Studies, a/b: auto/biography studies, Biography, Image and Text and Postcolonial Text, among others. Forthcoming is a book on Human Rights Graphic Novels.
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Sangkyu Shin, PH.D. IN PHILOSOPHYSangkyu Shin is associate professor of Ewha Institute for the Humanities at Ewha Womans University, South Korea. He received his Ph.D. at the University of Texas at Austin in the US. His work focusses on: Post-humanism, Extended cognition, Consciousness and Intentionality, Theory of evolution, A.I. Major Research (Papers &Books). He is in the Advisory Board of the Journal of Posthuman Studies (Penn State University).
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DEBASHISH BANERJI, PH.D. IN PHILOSOPHYDebashish Banerji is the Haridas Chaudhuri Professor of Indian Philosophies and Cultures and the Doshi Professor of Asian Art at the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS), San Francisco. He is also the Program Chair for the East-West Psychology department at CIIS. Prior to this, he served as Professor of Indian Studies and Dean of Academics at the University of Philosophical Research, Los Angeles. He is the co-founder and Executive Director of Nalanda International and founder/President of the Center for Promotion of Indian Sacred Culture. His academic interests lie in postcolonial, cross-cultural and posthuman approaches to Indian philosophy, psychology and culture. He has authored and edited around ten books and art catalogs on major figures of "the Bengal Renaissance"; on Critical Posthumanism, Yoga Psychology and on a variety of creative and art-related projects. He has curated about fifteen exhibitions of Indian and Japanese art and has written and produced a documentary film, Darshan: The Living Art of India (2018). His most recent book is Integral Yoga Psychology: Metaphysics and Transformation as Taught by Sri Aurobindo (Lotus Press, 2020).
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Leo igwe, PH.D. in religious studiesLeo Igwe is both a scholar and an activist. He holds a B.Phil and an M.A in philosophy from Seat of Wisdom Seminary Owerri and University of Calabar in Nigeria and a doctoral degree in religious studies from the University of Bayreuth in Germany. Before embarking on an academic study of religion, Igwe founded the Nigerian Humanist Movement and worked for some years for the International Humanist and Ethical Union in the UK and the Center for Inquiry in the US. He is a member of the Enlightenment Transhumanist Forum of Nigeria, and was a guest speaker at the Beyond Humanism Conference in France in 2019. He was the guest professor (Winter Semester 2018/2019) at the Catholic University of Applied Sciences in Munich, Germany.
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keith ansell-pearson, Ph.D. in PhilosophyKeith Ansell-Person joined Warwick's Philosophy Department in 1993 and have held a Personal Chair since 1998. He did his graduate studies at the University of Sussex. He has presented lectures around the world, including Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Switzerland, and the United States. In 2013/14 he was Senior Visiting Research Fellow in the Humanities at Rice University. He has research interests in the history of philosophy; modern European philosophy; American philosophy (Emerson and Thoreau); philosophy of the emotions and passions; and philosophy as a way of life.
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Rana Dajani, Ph.D. in molecular cell biologyRana Dajani, Ph.D. in Molecular Cell Biology from the University of Iowa, is currently Cmalakova Fellow at the Jepson school of Leadership at the University of Richmond; she is also Harvard Radcliff fellow (Fulbright Foreign Student Program, Jordan to the United States, 2000 / 2012), as well as Eisenhower fellow and Professor, and former center of studies director, at the Hashemite University, Jordan. She has been Visiting professor at Yale University and at Cambridge University. A world expert on genetics of Circassian and Chechan populations in Jordan, she established stem cell research ethics law in Jordan. She advocates for biological evolution and Islam. She has been the Jordan team leader in studying refugee youth with Yale University and the epigenetics of trauma across generations. She is a member of the UN women Jordan advisory council and organized the first gender summit for the Arab world 2017. She has been named most influential women scientists in Islamic World, 12 among 100 most influential Arab women 2015, women in science hall of fame 2015. She was the recipient of the King Hussein Cancer Institute for cancer and biotechnology award 2009, and in 2016 she received the Global Changemaker Award for celebrating 70 years of the Fulbright Program. She is President of the Society for the Advancement of Science, Technology and Innovation in the Arab World, and she was awarded the Jordan star of science by His Majesty King Abdullah II. She is the author of the book: Five scarves: Doing the impossible.
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