Agathe François is a Phd candidate at Université de Montréal in communications and research-creation. Her main interests concern trans and posthuman futures as well as the bodies they perform. Agathe François is engaging in the writing of a fiction as a way to question posthumanism and the boundaries between fiction and reality.
"The Fictionalization of Posthuman Bodies"
For Ballard, reality should be considered as a radical fiction (Ballard, 1974). Following on his suggestion, I choose here to reflect on posthumanism as a fiction in its links with the supposed reality. Considering fiction as one of the modalities of reality, I am thus interested in the future bodies that are performed through posthumanist fictions and myths. My conception of the myth is based on Mircea Eliade’s work (1963), implying a performativity that links the story being told and the world it contributes to create. I am suggesting that posthuman myths are all the more attractive as they are equivocal and remain open to any potential (Bardini, Lestel ; Liogier, 2010). I would like to reflect upon posthumanist future bodies through the fictionalization of the world. Thinking posthumanism as myth and fiction taking part in the production of contemporary and future reality makes it possible to develop an ethos based on a reflected praxis of freedom, as Foucault defines it. Engaging myself in the writing of a posthuman fiction will help me considering the potentials and actualizations of the posthuman world and bodies.