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OUR policyDear Members,
Thanks for being part of the Global Posthuman Network. The interest in the posthuman is growing exponentially. We are delighted to connect with so many people who are expressing interest in the posthuman paradigm shift. We are also aware that most of us live in societies where discriminatory practices against other human and non-human beings are still common. We, as the Global Posthuman Network, are determined to change these patterns, as they do not allow for the flourishing of posthuman ways of existence. Please be aware that by joining the Network you agree to the following policy: If anyone involved in the Global Posthuman Network receives sustained allegations in relation to issues that go against the dignity of other human and non-human beings (such as: sexism, racism, ethnocentrism, ableism, speciesism etc.), we, the Global Posthuman Network, will disconnect our association from the person until such allegations are completely cleared. This will serve as a statement that such behaviors are in no way associated with our posthuman views. In fact, posthumanism is about a dignified existence for everyone. The person who receives such a letter of disassociation should not take it personally. Posthumanism goes well beyond our single lives, and none of us should undermine its credibility. In case such allegations prove unfounded, the person can request to join the Global Posthuman Network again. This policy is set to allow the Global Posthuman Network to be a safe and vibrant place of envisioning and manifesting dignified ways of existing. As we grow as a global community, delicate issues may arise, so it is important to make sure that we face these events in serenity and clarity, by being honest, kind and just in our decisions and communications. Thanks again for agreeing with this policy by being a Member of the Global Posthuman Network! Thanks for Manifesting the World We are Envisioning! |
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OUR netiquettePlease, follow these guidelines in order to join these global and local conversations:
If you cannot follow these 3 simple guidelines, we kindly invite you to join the conversation somewhere else. Thanks. |
Peace, Visions and Much Appreciation
The Global Posthuman Network
The Global Posthuman Network