Doctor in Philosophy, specialized in the fields of philosophical aesthetics and theory of culture and art, who presents an interdisciplinary approach, combining elements of aesthetical and social reflection with an analysis of artistic events. Received various prizes and grants; recently a scholarship from the Kosciuszko Foundation for the research on the work of Joseph Margolis in art, culture and aesthetics, and to prepare her book project on cyborg persons basing on metaphysics of culture.
"Cyborg Selves or Persons"
In my talk on cyborg selves or persons, I argue for an evolutionary continuity between humans and cyborgs and for treating cyborgs as persons in the perspective of philosophy (Hume, Peirce, Margolis.) The difference that occurs between cyborgs and humans is due to the input of online technologies and is noticeable on the levels of perception, cognition, and communication. However we should also mind important moral and political implications of the recognition of cyborgs as persons (with the acknowledgement of their responsibility and rights). The presentation is in the spirit of the philosophy of pragmatism, with references to postdarwinism and to contemporary posthuman studies.