Bio coming soon!
“Beasts of the Southern Wild: Beyond the 'Human' in 'Post-Human'?”
Given that “the human” is constituted through a series of exclusions and internal hierarchies of value, so too “the post-human” might be considered as more or other than simply that which comes “after” the human in relation to technology, not only in terms of humanity’s own looming destruction of its own sustenance and habitat, but also in terms of a mode of existence that seeks to undermine the very terms of human/non-human through which that very self-destruction arguably comes into being. This presentation will analyze the film Beasts of the Southern Wild as a useful, if also problematic, cultural site from which these questions may be addressed. A focus of the piece will be the place of the child in these imaginings, as a figure whose status in humanistic culture already coheres around questions of human futures.