Credits: Art by Gisella Sorrentino
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Didier Cournelle is the spokesperson of the Association Française Transhumaniste Technoprog, the co-chair of Heales (Healthy Life Extension Society) and member of the board of the International Longevity Alliance. These associations have activities to promote positive enhancements of people among other things through the organization of international conferences (the last ones being Eurosymposium 2014 and Transvision 2014). Heales publishes also a monthly newsletter of information: “La mort de la mort” (The Death of the Death). In 2013, I published a book: Et si on arrêtait de vieillir ! : Réalité, enjeux et perspectives d'une vie en bonne santé beaucoup plus longue.
Living together is difficult, but exciting. It will be easier with rationality and compassion.
I'm a Belgian citizen, living in Brussels, born in 1962. I studied law and work in a federal institution competent for social security. I'm a green activist and an active member of a trade-union since more than 20 years. I speak French, Dutch and English.
Didier Cournelle is the spokesperson of the Association Française Transhumaniste Technoprog, the co-chair of Heales (Healthy Life Extension Society) and member of the board of the International Longevity Alliance. These associations have activities to promote positive enhancements of people among other things through the organization of international conferences (the last ones being Eurosymposium 2014 and Transvision 2014). Heales publishes also a monthly newsletter of information: “La mort de la mort” (The Death of the Death). In 2013, I published a book: Et si on arrêtait de vieillir ! : Réalité, enjeux et perspectives d'une vie en bonne santé beaucoup plus longue.
Living together is difficult, but exciting. It will be easier with rationality and compassion.
I'm a Belgian citizen, living in Brussels, born in 1962. I studied law and work in a federal institution competent for social security. I'm a green activist and an active member of a trade-union since more than 20 years. I speak French, Dutch and English.
Maciej Czerniakowski, Ph.D., John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin. His academic research focuses on posthumanism and transhumanism. He is a (online) member of New York Posthuman Research Group. His scientific work focuses on the issues of rape and posthumanism in the novels by Octavia Butler. Maciej Czerniakowski attended the following conferences: “Glocal Symposium: Posthumanism and Society” at New York University, New York, USA, “Being Non/Human: Bodily Borders” at Queen Mary, University of London, UK and “VII Beyond Humanism Conferences: from Humanism to Trans- and Posthumanism” at EWHA Womans University, Seoul, South Korea.
Maciej Czerniakowski, Ph.D., John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin. His academic research focuses on posthumanism and transhumanism. He is a (online) member of New York Posthuman Research Group. His scientific work focuses on the issues of rape and posthumanism in the novels by Octavia Butler. Maciej Czerniakowski attended the following conferences: “Glocal Symposium: Posthumanism and Society” at New York University, New York, USA, “Being Non/Human: Bodily Borders” at Queen Mary, University of London, UK and “VII Beyond Humanism Conferences: from Humanism to Trans- and Posthumanism” at EWHA Womans University, Seoul, South Korea.
Bellydance artist, theater director, co-founder and co-director of San Lo' studios in Rome, director of the ATS® troupe Carovana Tribale (FCBD® Sister Studio), creator of Roma Tribal Meeting and publisher of Bellydance Italia, the first bellydance magazine in Italy. Her main work is spreading concepts of dance throughout the world with an emphasis on tribal style, networking contacts and building dance comunity. Body and mind working for a visionary concept of Art and Dance. Since 2013 Isabel has worked on the posthuman in relation to dance and the art of Frida Kahlo.
Dancing the posthuman
Bellydance artist, theater director, co-founder and co-director of San Lo' studios in Rome, director of the ATS® troupe Carovana Tribale (FCBD® Sister Studio), creator of Roma Tribal Meeting and publisher of Bellydance Italia, the first bellydance magazine in Italy. Her main work is spreading concepts of dance throughout the world with an emphasis on tribal style, networking contacts and building dance comunity. Body and mind working for a visionary concept of Art and Dance. Since 2013 Isabel has worked on the posthuman in relation to dance and the art of Frida Kahlo.
Dancing the posthuman
My therapeutic aims can be primarily understood through a post-humanistic perspective as I am interested in the trans-formation or trans-mutation of the self and its being-in-the-world. I use a Nietzchenian-Alchemical metaphor of "self-overcoming" and "transubstantiation" to understand how we can turn our "base elements" of the self into "psycho-spiritual-enlightened-gold". My academic work is chiefly focused on the application of Integral Theory in addiction treatment and aetiology, as well as using Integral Theory to develop an new ontology of addiction, which can adequately explain this complex phenomena. I am interested in the addictive-dangers that lurk in future technology and our posthuman-selves. I am of the opinion that addiction is one of the biggest social dangers in the development of an enlightened posthuman society. I believe that most posthuman philosophy has a rather unsophisticated psychological outlook on the effect that future technology will have on the human psyche, and adhere to a naturalistic scientific worldview which is inadequate in studying the complex psyche.
Guy du Plessis is an independent researcher, Registered Counselor in private practice, and Creative Director of a design company in Cape Town, South Africa. He holds a B.A. Honors (cum laude) degree in psychology, with specialization in psychological counseling. He is the developer of the Integrated Recovery Model, Integral Model of Addiction and Integrated Recovery Therapy.
To bring an Integral-existential lens to bio-self psychological development in posthumanistic philosophy
My therapeutic aims can be primarily understood through a post-humanistic perspective as I am interested in the trans-formation or trans-mutation of the self and its being-in-the-world. I use a Nietzchenian-Alchemical metaphor of "self-overcoming" and "transubstantiation" to understand how we can turn our "base elements" of the self into "psycho-spiritual-enlightened-gold". My academic work is chiefly focused on the application of Integral Theory in addiction treatment and aetiology, as well as using Integral Theory to develop an new ontology of addiction, which can adequately explain this complex phenomena. I am interested in the addictive-dangers that lurk in future technology and our posthuman-selves. I am of the opinion that addiction is one of the biggest social dangers in the development of an enlightened posthuman society. I believe that most posthuman philosophy has a rather unsophisticated psychological outlook on the effect that future technology will have on the human psyche, and adhere to a naturalistic scientific worldview which is inadequate in studying the complex psyche.
Guy du Plessis is an independent researcher, Registered Counselor in private practice, and Creative Director of a design company in Cape Town, South Africa. He holds a B.A. Honors (cum laude) degree in psychology, with specialization in psychological counseling. He is the developer of the Integrated Recovery Model, Integral Model of Addiction and Integrated Recovery Therapy.
To bring an Integral-existential lens to bio-self psychological development in posthumanistic philosophy
Trijsje Franssen is a Philosopher who is in the process of writing up her Ph.D. thesis, which concentrates on today's debate on human enhancement. Actually, it focuses on the role of the ancient myth of Prometheus in the debate and, in particular, its relationship to normativity and arguments on human nature. Both advocates and opponents of human enhancement make use of the myth to support their arguments. This way, the story provides a magnificent viewpoint from which to analyse the debate - and its, often implicit, moral claims and definitions of human nature - while, on the other hand, it enables one to reflect upon the particular characteristics that make this myth so special and favoured in the history of philosophy in general.
In 2006 she obtained her Research Master’s degree in Philosophy at the University of Amsterdam. During her Master’s she completed an internship at the editorial office of the philosophical monthly 'Filosofie Magazine'. After graduating, she worked at the University of Amsterdam, teaching modules in Sociology of the Arts, Philosophy of Culture, and 19th/20th Century Philosophy. In October 2009 she started her PhD at the University of Exeter under supervision of Professor John Dupré and Professor Michael Hauskeller.
Trijsje Franssen is a Philosopher who is in the process of writing up her Ph.D. thesis, which concentrates on today's debate on human enhancement. Actually, it focuses on the role of the ancient myth of Prometheus in the debate and, in particular, its relationship to normativity and arguments on human nature. Both advocates and opponents of human enhancement make use of the myth to support their arguments. This way, the story provides a magnificent viewpoint from which to analyse the debate - and its, often implicit, moral claims and definitions of human nature - while, on the other hand, it enables one to reflect upon the particular characteristics that make this myth so special and favoured in the history of philosophy in general.
In 2006 she obtained her Research Master’s degree in Philosophy at the University of Amsterdam. During her Master’s she completed an internship at the editorial office of the philosophical monthly 'Filosofie Magazine'. After graduating, she worked at the University of Amsterdam, teaching modules in Sociology of the Arts, Philosophy of Culture, and 19th/20th Century Philosophy. In October 2009 she started her PhD at the University of Exeter under supervision of Professor John Dupré and Professor Michael Hauskeller.
Ricardo Gil Soeiro (PhD, Univ. of Lisbon, 2009) is a postdoctoral research fellow at the Center for Comparative Studies, where he currently conducts the following research project: A Sabedoria da Incerteza: Imaginação Literária e Poética da Obrigação. Formerly a professor at the Universidade Europeia (EU) – Laureate International Universities, he has taught graduate and postgraduate courses at the University of Lisbon, ranging from Comparative Literature to the MA course ‘Memory and Literature in a Globalised Culture’. His publications include Gramática da Esperança (Vega, 2009), Iminência do Encontro (Roma, 2009), collections of poetry, and the edited volume The Wounds of Possibility (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012). In 2012, L’apprendista di enigmi was published, an anthology of his poems translated into Italian. His essays, articles, and reviews have appeared in numerous journals and collections, including Ellipsis, Ítaca, Impossibilia, and the Journal of Romance Studies. He is the recipient of several national literary and academic awards, including a PEN Prize, awarded in 2010, and the Albano Martins Poetry Prize, awarded in 2014.
Within my recent work on posthumanism, I wish to explore the ways in which posthumanist literary imagination contributes to a critical awareness of the limits of traditional anthropocentric and humanistic assumptions, thus radically challenging the boundaries between the human and the non-human, the self and the other. I am thus particularly interested in literature’s seminality in these debates, playing a key role in testing a non-anthropocentric framework, based on the notion of post-exclusivism and of a poetics of the becoming.
To examine literary works through a posthumanist lens, highlighting the interdependence between the human and the nonhuman and taking part in a comprehensive engagement with posthumanism and the so-called posthuman turn.
Ricardo Gil Soeiro (PhD, Univ. of Lisbon, 2009) is a postdoctoral research fellow at the Center for Comparative Studies, where he currently conducts the following research project: A Sabedoria da Incerteza: Imaginação Literária e Poética da Obrigação. Formerly a professor at the Universidade Europeia (EU) – Laureate International Universities, he has taught graduate and postgraduate courses at the University of Lisbon, ranging from Comparative Literature to the MA course ‘Memory and Literature in a Globalised Culture’. His publications include Gramática da Esperança (Vega, 2009), Iminência do Encontro (Roma, 2009), collections of poetry, and the edited volume The Wounds of Possibility (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012). In 2012, L’apprendista di enigmi was published, an anthology of his poems translated into Italian. His essays, articles, and reviews have appeared in numerous journals and collections, including Ellipsis, Ítaca, Impossibilia, and the Journal of Romance Studies. He is the recipient of several national literary and academic awards, including a PEN Prize, awarded in 2010, and the Albano Martins Poetry Prize, awarded in 2014.
Within my recent work on posthumanism, I wish to explore the ways in which posthumanist literary imagination contributes to a critical awareness of the limits of traditional anthropocentric and humanistic assumptions, thus radically challenging the boundaries between the human and the non-human, the self and the other. I am thus particularly interested in literature’s seminality in these debates, playing a key role in testing a non-anthropocentric framework, based on the notion of post-exclusivism and of a poetics of the becoming.
To examine literary works through a posthumanist lens, highlighting the interdependence between the human and the nonhuman and taking part in a comprehensive engagement with posthumanism and the so-called posthuman turn.
David Roden has worked for the Open University, UK since 2002. His research has explored deconstruction, philosophical naturalism, the metaphysics of sound, and posthumanism. Articles published this year include "The Disconnection Thesis" in The Singularity Hypothesis: A Scientific and Philosophical Assessment and "Nature's Dark Domain" in the Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement Vol 72. He has recently completed the book Posthuman Life: Philosophy at the Edge of the Human (Routledge 2014).
In my work on posthumanism I have developed a position that I refer to as ‘speculative posthumanism’ (SP). SP states that descendants of current humans could cease to be human by virtue of a history of technical augmentation and that this possibility is significant. In my forthcoming book Posthuman Life I argue that we can understand this process of ceasing to be human as a relation between historical particulars rather than universals or essences, with the consequence that understanding the posthuman requires us to consider how to make or become posthuman.
To engage in interdisciplinary collaboration with artists, scholars or scientists working in the field of posthumanism, transhumanism and technologically mediated art.
David Roden has worked for the Open University, UK since 2002. His research has explored deconstruction, philosophical naturalism, the metaphysics of sound, and posthumanism. Articles published this year include "The Disconnection Thesis" in The Singularity Hypothesis: A Scientific and Philosophical Assessment and "Nature's Dark Domain" in the Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement Vol 72. He has recently completed the book Posthuman Life: Philosophy at the Edge of the Human (Routledge 2014).
In my work on posthumanism I have developed a position that I refer to as ‘speculative posthumanism’ (SP). SP states that descendants of current humans could cease to be human by virtue of a history of technical augmentation and that this possibility is significant. In my forthcoming book Posthuman Life I argue that we can understand this process of ceasing to be human as a relation between historical particulars rather than universals or essences, with the consequence that understanding the posthuman requires us to consider how to make or become posthuman.
To engage in interdisciplinary collaboration with artists, scholars or scientists working in the field of posthumanism, transhumanism and technologically mediated art.
Terec-Vlad Loredana is a Ph.D. Candidate at Ștefan ce Mare University of Suceava, Romania. Her thesis is about the human condition in the posthuman era. She has published various paper about trans/posthumanism in Postmodern Openings Review and she has also participated in many conferences.
Through this platform I would like to know people that are interested in trans/posthumanism, to change opinions, debate, etc.
Terec-Vlad Loredana is a Ph.D. Candidate at Ștefan ce Mare University of Suceava, Romania. Her thesis is about the human condition in the posthuman era. She has published various paper about trans/posthumanism in Postmodern Openings Review and she has also participated in many conferences.
Through this platform I would like to know people that are interested in trans/posthumanism, to change opinions, debate, etc.
Jeffrey White teaches at the Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, KAIST, South Korea. He is a Socratic philosopher especially interested in two issues:
1) How we may achieve a lasting peace without coercion via open-democracy enabled through information communication technologies
2) How computational models alongside insights afforded by imaging technologies may help us to understand the nature of cognitive agency, its relation to moral agency, and our status alongside similar agents including artificial moral agents.
A non-coercive cooperative and collaborative solution to the problems due to psychopathy and psychopathic institutions like those described in the short bio, above, in part through means explored in my statement of interest in Posthumanism, above.
Jeffrey White teaches at the Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, KAIST, South Korea. He is a Socratic philosopher especially interested in two issues:
1) How we may achieve a lasting peace without coercion via open-democracy enabled through information communication technologies
2) How computational models alongside insights afforded by imaging technologies may help us to understand the nature of cognitive agency, its relation to moral agency, and our status alongside similar agents including artificial moral agents.
A non-coercive cooperative and collaborative solution to the problems due to psychopathy and psychopathic institutions like those described in the short bio, above, in part through means explored in my statement of interest in Posthumanism, above.