Jared Russell was a psychoanalyst in private practice in New York City. He earned his PhD in Philosophy at the New School for Social Research, and trained as an analyst at the Institute for Psychoanalytic Training and Research (IPTAR). He was managing editor of The Undecidable Unconscious: A Journal of Deconstruction and Psychoanalysis (University of Nebraska Press), and the author of "Nietzsche and the Clinic: Psychoanalysis, Philosophy, Metaphysics" (Karnac Books, 2016).
Invited talk #2
"Analytic Neutrality as Posthuman Technique"
This presentation will reconsider the much misunderstood and maligned practice of psychoanalytic “neutrality” as providing access to posthuman transformations within a clinical register. Far from advocating the dispassionate, silent, “blank screen” approach that would define American psychiatry for decades, Freud’s recommendations to clinicians actually present us with an anticipatory strategy for posthuman engagement by obviating desire and tending instead to the autonomy of the memory apparatus. What it means to speak of psychoanalytic “technique” in this way opens us up to new ways of thinking about the human and about the irreducible nature of technicity in general.
Invited talk #2
"Clinical Anti-Humanism as Resistance to Global Hyper-Consumption"
abstract coming soon!