Collaborative Survival"
(Video Screening)
(Video Screening)
ased on the necessity of a decentering of the human in 21st-century post-capitalist future, the lecture "Collaborative Survival" wishes to invite us to an encounter with other forms of life: non-human species (minerals, bacterias, viruses, fungi, plants, insects, animals, mammals, monsters, forests, mountains, deserts, rivers, lakes, hills, agencies, wind, sunlight, heat, presence, absence, memories...) in an attempt to define the modalities of inter-species sociability in the Anthropocene. "Collaborative Survival"is as much a process of getting to the state of inter-species integrity as an understanding of the strategies to develop that state in the public spheres. I will present two extracts from my recent films and address Posthuman aesthetics issues that I develop in my visual art practice.