The film follows six people as they tap into the power of mindfulness to live a more joyful, fulfilling life free from the suffocating grip of chronic conditions such as anxiety, Post-Traumatic-Stress Disorder, and depression.
Cronin is certainly not new to the power of stillness. As the founder of The Stillness Project, a global initiative to inspire a billion people to meditate daily, he has greatly enjoyed the benefits of meditation in his own life. While working as a successful businessman--and adjusting to the incredibly fast-paced lifestyle that came with the role--Cronin found meditation as a method to help him reconnect with himself. He eventually left his career to cultivate his true calling, which later evolved into what is now The Stillness Project--and The Portal.
We are so thrilled to announce the release of The Portal, which you can access here. In today's world, stillness is exactly what we all need.