The Global Posthuman Network is honored to publish some original translations in Mandarin to help our community develop the debate.
Currently we have translated the following articles: both original works and translations are published under a Creative Commons License (BY SA).
Currently we have translated the following articles: both original works and translations are published under a Creative Commons License (BY SA).
Blog Post
Some Reflections on the Controversy behind Human-Animal Chimeras
Some Reflections on the Controversy behind Human-Animal Chimeras
Title: Some Reflections on the Controversy Behind Human-Animal Chimeras
Author: Xi Yu (Paula) Song
Within the past decade, several controversies regarding the creation of human-animal embryos in the field of stem-cell science have repeatedly driven interspecific research to the center of public attention. Given the taboo nature of human-animal entities in Western society, few transhumanists—even amongst those in favor of radical alterations—view crossing species boundaries as a feasible option for humans to pursue. This essay theorizes the potential benefits of crossing species boundaries from a trans-humanist perspective, and defends the ethical nature of creating human-animal hybrids against several intrinsic and extrinsic concerns. Its purpose is not to excuse poor bioethical practices or promote deregulation in biohacking, but to reflect on the recent advances in biotechnology and their impact on the social sphere.
Mandarin Translation:
Coming Soon!
Translation: Xi Yu (Paula) Song
Abstract in Mandarin:
To read the full translation, click here.
Author: Xi Yu (Paula) Song
Within the past decade, several controversies regarding the creation of human-animal embryos in the field of stem-cell science have repeatedly driven interspecific research to the center of public attention. Given the taboo nature of human-animal entities in Western society, few transhumanists—even amongst those in favor of radical alterations—view crossing species boundaries as a feasible option for humans to pursue. This essay theorizes the potential benefits of crossing species boundaries from a trans-humanist perspective, and defends the ethical nature of creating human-animal hybrids against several intrinsic and extrinsic concerns. Its purpose is not to excuse poor bioethical practices or promote deregulation in biohacking, but to reflect on the recent advances in biotechnology and their impact on the social sphere.
Mandarin Translation:
Coming Soon!
Translation: Xi Yu (Paula) Song
Abstract in Mandarin:
To read the full translation, click here.
Posthumanism, Transhumanism, Antihumanism, Metahumanism, and New Materialisms: Differences and Relations
Posthumanism, Transhumanism, Antihumanism, Metahumanism, and New Materialisms: Differences and Relations
Title: "Posthumanism, Transhumanism, Antihumanism, Metahumanism, and New Materialisms: Differences and Relations"
Author: Francesca Ferrando
Published in: Existenz by The Karl Jaspers Society of North America, Vol. 8, No. 2, March 2014, pp. 26-32.
"Posthuman" has become an umbrella term to refer to a variety of different movements and schools of thought,including philosophical, cultural, and critical posthumanism; transhumanism (in its variations of extropianism, liberaland democratic transhumanism, among others); the feminist approach of new materialisms; the heterogeneouslandscape of antihumanism, metahumanism, metahumanities, and posthumanities. Such a generic and all-inclusiveuse of the term has created methodological and theoretical confusion between experts and non-experts alike. This essay will explore the differences between these movements, focusing in particular on the areas of signification shared by posthumanism and transhumanism. In presenting these two independent, yet related philosophies, posthumanism may prove a more comprehensive standpoint to reflect upon possible futures.
Mandarin Translation:
Translation: Selina Tang
Reviewers: Chiarina Chen, Yuan Yi, Andrew Zhang
Abstract in Mandarin
To read the full translation, click here.
Author: Francesca Ferrando
Published in: Existenz by The Karl Jaspers Society of North America, Vol. 8, No. 2, March 2014, pp. 26-32.
"Posthuman" has become an umbrella term to refer to a variety of different movements and schools of thought,including philosophical, cultural, and critical posthumanism; transhumanism (in its variations of extropianism, liberaland democratic transhumanism, among others); the feminist approach of new materialisms; the heterogeneouslandscape of antihumanism, metahumanism, metahumanities, and posthumanities. Such a generic and all-inclusiveuse of the term has created methodological and theoretical confusion between experts and non-experts alike. This essay will explore the differences between these movements, focusing in particular on the areas of signification shared by posthumanism and transhumanism. In presenting these two independent, yet related philosophies, posthumanism may prove a more comprehensive standpoint to reflect upon possible futures.
Mandarin Translation:
Translation: Selina Tang
Reviewers: Chiarina Chen, Yuan Yi, Andrew Zhang
Abstract in Mandarin
To read the full translation, click here.
"The Body"
"The Body"
Title: "The Body"
Author: Francesca Ferrando
Published in: Post- and Transhumanism: An Introduction
Edited by Ranisch, R. & Sorgner, S. L.
Published by Peter Lang, 2014, pp. 213-226.
The 21st Century has ushered in a redefinition of the body by cybernetic and biotechnological developments. The concept of “human” has been broadly challenged, while “posthuman” and “transhuman” have become terms of philosophical and scientific enquiry. Are these scenarios inducing a paradigm shift in the ontological and epistemological perception of the human body? If so, will gender, race, age and class among others, represent significant categories of reformulation? More radically, from a futuristic perspective: will posthumans need any embodiment at all? Posthumanism and Transhumanism offer different answers to these questions.
Mandarin Translation:
Translation: Joanna Wang, Carol Long
Reviewers: Yuan Yi
Abstract in Mandarin
在21世纪,信息系统和生物技术的迅猛发展推动着社会重新去定义人体的概念。我们将在本文中看到,“人”的概念已受到了广泛的挑战,而“后人类”和“超人类”也已成为哲学和科学研究的术语。物质世界不再代表社交互动的主要空间:正如网瘾问题所示,自我的定义被分散到了虚拟身体和数字身份,使得布希亚著作中的拟仿物仿佛变成了超现实。克隆人技术让生物伦理的争议变成实际问题,而代孕母亲的现象也打破了自然生产的观念。语义上而言,“人”与“机械人”定义的分界线逐渐模糊。一方面,电子起搏器、高科技假体和整形外科已成为公认可行的重塑人体的做法;另一方面,随着Cyborg 2.0项目的开启,越来越多的人开始将射频识别芯片(RFID)植入皮肤,进行用科技实现人体增强的先驱实验。这些现象描绘了世界上从微观到宏观走在科技前沿的一些社会的特征。这些现象是个例还是引发社会对“人体”的本体论和认识论的观念转变的信号?如果“人体”的概念已经正在改变,那么性别、种族、年龄和阶级等类别是否急需重新被定义呢?从更激进的未来派的角度看:后人类需要任何体现(embodiment)的概念吗?后人类主义和超人类主义对这些问题提供了不同的答案。在阐述这两派的论点之前,我首先需要逐一分析“人”,“身体”和“自我体现”等关键概念,以建立一个严谨的知识和学术根际图。
To read the full translation, click here.
Author: Francesca Ferrando
Published in: Post- and Transhumanism: An Introduction
Edited by Ranisch, R. & Sorgner, S. L.
Published by Peter Lang, 2014, pp. 213-226.
The 21st Century has ushered in a redefinition of the body by cybernetic and biotechnological developments. The concept of “human” has been broadly challenged, while “posthuman” and “transhuman” have become terms of philosophical and scientific enquiry. Are these scenarios inducing a paradigm shift in the ontological and epistemological perception of the human body? If so, will gender, race, age and class among others, represent significant categories of reformulation? More radically, from a futuristic perspective: will posthumans need any embodiment at all? Posthumanism and Transhumanism offer different answers to these questions.
Mandarin Translation:
Translation: Joanna Wang, Carol Long
Reviewers: Yuan Yi
Abstract in Mandarin
在21世纪,信息系统和生物技术的迅猛发展推动着社会重新去定义人体的概念。我们将在本文中看到,“人”的概念已受到了广泛的挑战,而“后人类”和“超人类”也已成为哲学和科学研究的术语。物质世界不再代表社交互动的主要空间:正如网瘾问题所示,自我的定义被分散到了虚拟身体和数字身份,使得布希亚著作中的拟仿物仿佛变成了超现实。克隆人技术让生物伦理的争议变成实际问题,而代孕母亲的现象也打破了自然生产的观念。语义上而言,“人”与“机械人”定义的分界线逐渐模糊。一方面,电子起搏器、高科技假体和整形外科已成为公认可行的重塑人体的做法;另一方面,随着Cyborg 2.0项目的开启,越来越多的人开始将射频识别芯片(RFID)植入皮肤,进行用科技实现人体增强的先驱实验。这些现象描绘了世界上从微观到宏观走在科技前沿的一些社会的特征。这些现象是个例还是引发社会对“人体”的本体论和认识论的观念转变的信号?如果“人体”的概念已经正在改变,那么性别、种族、年龄和阶级等类别是否急需重新被定义呢?从更激进的未来派的角度看:后人类需要任何体现(embodiment)的概念吗?后人类主义和超人类主义对这些问题提供了不同的答案。在阐述这两派的论点之前,我首先需要逐一分析“人”,“身体”和“自我体现”等关键概念,以建立一个严谨的知识和学术根际图。
To read the full translation, click here.